Energy Storage Leader

NextEra Energy has more energy storage capacity than any other company in the U.S. With more than 180 MW of battery energy storage systems in operation, we're ensuring Americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it.

battery storage employee

With the largest amount of operational storage of any company in the U.S., we can store energy when demand is low and supply energy when demand is high.

babcock ranch solar

We're continuing to lead the industry with storage innovations such as our Babcock Ranch Solar Energy Center – the largest combined solar-plus-storage facility in the country. This cutting-edge project incorporates a 10-MW battery storage project into the operations of a 74.5-MW solar power plant.

storage center

Our 20 MW Pinal Central Solar Energy Center in Arizona was NextEra Energy Resources’ first project to pair solar energy with an on-site, state-of-the-art 10-MW battery storage system. Along with generating enough solar energy to power 5,000 homes, this facility stores excess energy in a lithium-ion battery storage system.

wynwood facility

Florida Power & Light's Wynwood Energy Storage facility features a 10 MW / 40 MWh battery system that can dispatch enough energy to charge 5 million mobile phones or power 7,000 homes for four hours. This battery is the largest in the Southeast U.S. to be used in an urban city core.

Supporting the electric grid

Our batteries store power generated by our facilities when the sun is shining, then dispatch the stored power to the grid to supplement dips in operation – such as when clouds roll in and temporarily reduce the sunlight reaching a solar plant's panels. The stored power can also be dispatched during periods of peak customer electricity demand, such as summer afternoons and evening hours when the sun is going down but air conditioning needs remain high.